Pokebell gem を作った際の記録。
Ruby - 読みをポケベル入力数字に変換するPokebell gem - Qiita
アカウントは予め github には登録済みで、既に pokebell フォルダに、符号化できる状態の pokebell.rb を作成してある状況から開始しました。
$ gem install jeweler
Opinionated tool for creating and managing Rubygem projects
Jeweler のオプション
$ jeweler --help Usage: jeweler [options] reponame e.g. jeweler the-perfect-gem --directory [DIRECTORY] specify the directory to generate into (deprecated) --rspec generate rspec code examples --shoulda generate shoulda tests --testunit generate test/unit tests --bacon generate bacon specifications --testspec generate test/spec tests --minitest generate minitest tests --micronaut generate micronaut examples --riot generate riot tests --shindo generate shindo tests --[no-]bundler use bundler for managing dependencies --cucumber generate cucumber stories in addition to the other tests --reek generate rake task for reek --roodi generate rake task for roodi --summary [SUMMARY] specify the summary of the project --description [DESCRIPTION] specify a description of the project --user-name [USER_NAME] the user's name, ie that is credited in the LICENSE --user-email [USER_EMAIL] the user's email, ie that is credited in the Gem specification --github-username [GITHUB_USERNAME] name of the user on GitHub to set the project up under --git-remote [GIT_REMOTE] URI to set the git origin remote to --homepage [HOMEPAGE] the homepage for your project (defaults to the GitHub repo) --create-repo create the repository on GitHub --yard use yard for documentation --rdoc use rdoc for documentation -v, --version show version -h, --help display this help and exit
Jeweler で gem 作成開始
作業1(失敗:github情報を ~/.gitconfig に未登録)
$ jeweler --rspec --create-repo pokebell Please specify --github-username or set github.user in ~/.gitconfig (see http://github.com/blog/180-local-github-config for details). For example: git config --global github.user defunkt
そういえば ~/.gitconfig に登録してないですね。それと token も作ってない。
New personal access token
で Github の token を作ります。 Token description は記入必須です。テキトーに入れます。
So let’s settle on a standard, pioneered by GitNub:
$ git config --global github.user defunkt $ git config --global github.token 6ef8395fecf207165f1a82178ae1b984(Remember to replace defunkt and 6ef8395fecf207165f1a82178ae1b984 with your own username and token.)
$ jeweler --rspec --create-repo pokebell The directory pokebell already exists. Maybe move it out of the way before continuing?
先に pokebell フォルダを作っていたのがマズかったようだ。
$ jeweler --rspec --create-repo pokebell create .gitignore create Rakefile create Gemfile create LICENSE.txt create README.rdoc create .document create lib create lib/pokebell.rb create spec create spec/spec_helper.rb create spec/pokebell_spec.rb create .rspec Jeweler has prepared your gem in ./pokebell Please provide your Github password to create the Github repository Password:
ここで Github のパスワードを入力します。
Faraday::Builder is now Faraday::RackBuilder. Jeweler has pushed your repo to git@github.com:riocampos/pokebell.git
当然ですが lib/pokebell.rb の中身は空っぽです。ので、バックアップを取っていた内容を流し込みます。そして git commit
$ rake -T # 定義されているタスク一覧を表示
では pokebell フォルダ内でrake -T
$ rake -T rake build # Build gem into pkg/ rake clean # Remove any temporary products rake clobber # Remove any generated file rake clobber_rdoc # Remove RDoc HTML files rake console[script] # Start IRB with all runtime dependencies loaded rake gemcutter:release # Release gem to Gemcutter rake gemspec # Generate and validate gemspec rake gemspec:debug # Display the gemspec for debugging purposes, as j... rake gemspec:generate # Regenerate the gemspec on the filesystem rake gemspec:release # Regenerate and validate gemspec, and then commit... rake gemspec:validate # Validates the gemspec on the filesystem rake git:release # Tag and push release to git rake install # Build and install gem using `gem install` rake rdoc # Build RDoc HTML files rake release # Release gem rake rerdoc # Rebuild RDoc HTML files rake simplecov # Code coverage detail rake spec # Run RSpec code examples rake version # Displays the current version rake version:bump:major # Bump the major version by 1 rake version:bump:minor # Bump the a minor version by 1 rake version:bump:patch # Bump the patch version by 1 rake version:write # Writes out an explicit version
$ rake version:write Updated version: 0.0.0 $ rake version:bump:patch Current version: 0.0.0 Updated version: 0.0.1
として VERSION ファイルの作成及び記載バージョンを0.0.1に変更しました。
git commit も為されていました。
gemspec ファイル作成
gem.summary = %Q{TODO: one-line summary of your gem} gem.description = %Q{TODO: longer description of your gem}
gem.summary = %Q{Japanese "Pokebell" pager message encoder} gem.description = %Q{Japanese charactor displayed by hiragana, alphabet, or number encode to 2-digit in used "Pokebell" pager.}
続いて rake gemspec
$ rake gemspec Generated: pokebell.gemspec pokebell.gemspec is valid.
pokebell.gemspec ファイルには
# Generated by jeweler # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY # Instead, edit Jeweler::Tasks in Rakefile, and run 'rake gemspec'
とありますので、 gemspec ファイルを訂正する場合には Rakefile を直しましょう。ちなみに Rakefile の gem.summary などが **TODO** のままであってもそのまま gemspec ファイルが生成されます。先に直しておきましょう。
rubygems を生成
なお、gemspec ファイルを作成しなくてもrake build
$ rake build Successfully built RubyGem Name: pokebell Version: 0.0.1 File: pokebell-0.0.1.gem
rubygems.org への登録
Edit Profile | RubyGems.org | your community gem host
の最下段の curl コマンドを実行し rubygems.org のパスワードを入力すると、 ~/.gem/credentials
に API key を設定できます。
$ curl -u riocampos https://rubygems.org/api/v1/api_key.yaml > ~/.gem/credentials; chmod 0600 ~/.gem/credentials Enter host password for user 'riocampos': % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 56 0 56 0 0 23 0 --:--:-- 0:00:02 --:--:-- 23
rake release
一発で Github へのアップロード(git push origin master
)、 gemspec ファイル作成(rake gemspec
)、 rubygems 生成(rake build
)、 rubygems.org への登録(gem push ./pkg/pokebell-0.0.1.gem
$ rake release Committing pokebell.gemspec Pushing master to origin Generated: pokebell.gemspec pokebell.gemspec is valid. Successfully built RubyGem Name: pokebell Version: 0.0.1 File: pokebell-0.0.1.gem Executing "gem push ./pkg/pokebell-0.0.1.gem": gem push ./pkg/pokebell-0.0.1.gem Pushing gem to https://rubygems.org... Successfully registered gem: pokebell (0.0.1)
$ rake version:bump:patch $ git commit -a $ rake release