OS Xのman ls(EA、ALC関係)

OS Xではls -lしたときにパーミッションの後ろに@や+のマークが付くことがある。それらの詳細を見たい時にはどのオプションを追加するのか、すぐに忘れるw

LS(1)                     BSD General Commands Manual                    LS(1)

     ls -- list directory contents

     ls [-ABCFGHLOPRSTUW@abcdefghiklmnopqrstuwx1] [file ...]

     The following options are available:

     -@      Display extended attribute keys and sizes in long (-l) output.
     -e      Print the Access Control List (ACL) associated with the file, if
             present, in long (-l) output.
     -l      (The lowercase letter ``ell''.)  List in long format.  (See
             below.)  If the output is to a terminal, a total sum for all the
             file sizes is output on a line before the long listing.
   The Long Format
   :                      If the file or directory has extended
     attributes, the permissions field printed by the -l option is followed by
     a '@' character.  Otherwise, if the file or directory has extended secu-
     rity information (such as an access control list), the permissions field
     printed by the -l option is followed by a '+' character.
